Babe aka bitchy mum :P
Finally, coursework are all done :D
week 14 is approaching which means final is coming!
ahhh, jus get to release at week 11 and week 15 starts final again..
the toughest time for me!! hateit hateit!
oh well, back to the topic..
this post is about farewell.
farewell for the B, ma dear chicky!!!
she went overseas for further studies..
all the best to u , B!! must take good care of yourself**
i realized that my friends are keep on leaving one by one.
most of them are flying sooooonnnnn =(

tadaaa :D B and me! she looks sleepy !xD
my eye look big beside her.. hahahahahh :P

as usual, joe me and babe

place- Ole ole Bali, pyramid
hmm, it was the 2nd time i been thr.
the food not bad but the portion is quite bigggg :P
the food not bad but the portion is quite bigggg :P